Boswellness Supports SDGs

We support all of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the following ways and more. By partnering with 250 Harvesters in turn supporting over 1,500 family members. By following fair trade practices, resin prices have increased across the industry. Established access to food staples in partnership with local suppliers via a cooperative model ProvideContinue reading “Boswellness Supports SDGs”

About Our Frankincense Sourcing…

We’ve had a lot of people reaching out with questions in response to the viral Vice News video, and while our instinct is to stay out of the fray, we also feel it’s important to address some key points.   Frankincense is the second largest industry in Somaliland, and there are tens of thousands of peopleContinue reading “About Our Frankincense Sourcing…”

(b)Locked Chains: Solutions and Distractions for International Supply Chains

For months leading up to November 3, 2020, Americans were bombarded with subtle messaging to outright insistence the election would be hacked, rigged, or in some way invalid. Non-partisan analysts within and outside the US government expressed confidence in the integrity of the systems and subsequently the veracity of the results. A mob unhindered byContinue reading “(b)Locked Chains: Solutions and Distractions for International Supply Chains”

Frankincense – 21st Century Challenges and Opportunities

Boswellness–in collaboration with Somcable, Omaar Int’l, Mount Kenya University (MKU) and Centre for Frankincense Environmental and Social Studies (CFESS)–is pleased to announce a conference assessing 21st Century Challenges and Opportunities. This Somali-led conference, the first of its kind, will take place October 7 & 8, 2017, in Hargeisa, Somaliland, bringing together scientists, sociologists, harvesters, landContinue reading “Frankincense – 21st Century Challenges and Opportunities”